Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Proteus Gowanus, the interdisciplinary gallery and reading room at 543 Union Street in Gowanus is starting off the New Year with some great events. 
This, from their upcoming schedule:
*Monday, January 9, 7:30pm to 10pm, the first of six classes in Vanitas Drawing with classically trained artist Lado Pochkhua, presented in partnership with Morbid Anatomy Library. Admission: $110 (classes can also be taken individually on a drop-in basis for $20 per class). Vanitas is a genre of still-life painting that flourished in the Netherlands in the early 17th century. A vanitas painting contains collections of objects symbolic of the inevitability of death and the transience and vanity of earthly achievements and pleasures, exhorting the viewer to consider mortality and to repent. For more details, click here.                                                                                                             *Thursday, January 12, 7pm - Please join us for wine and conversation as they launch the second exhibition of our Migration year, Object Migrations, examining the things of the world whose stories intersect with and re-orient our own migrations. 
*And, as the New Year begins, we invite you to join Study Hall if you need a quiet place to work in community with others. Openings are available now at $50/month, weekdays from 10am-6pm.

To check out more great events at Proteus Gowanus, click here.


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