At 11:49 Pm last night, the first weight loss commercial was aired on television. Broadcasters could not even wait till midnight. It flashed on the screen just as I was enjoying a piece of Key Lime pie. It was sinfully good and I had no intention of starting my New Year's diet earlier than I had to.
But starting today, I promise, I will be good and eat well. Three out of four members in this family have sworn to eat more fruit and vegetables, less fat and sugar. The fourth and youngest member frankly looks pretty skinny and opted out.
But pardon me for asking! Have you eaten good fruit lately? Is it just me or does fruit not have taste anymore? Sure it looks perfect, but I venture to say that most of the produce has never seen sunlight and therefore did not ripen the way it should. Recently, G and I bought four perfect pears. They were stone hard, so we left them on the counter for a day. When we finally cut into the first one, it was entirely brown on the inside. Bingo for number 2,3 and 4. So we brought them back to Fairway, our gourmet supermarket and complained. We got our money back after half an hour of back and forth with the various managers, but now I have no confidence in their fruit. Because it was not jut the pears. I frankly should have brought back the bananas which went directly from greenish to brown without ever attaining a golden yellow. I should have also brought back the raspberries that had a green fuzz on the bottom layer of the little plastic container and the apples which were totally devoid of taste.
So on this first day of the new year, I am so willing to consume more vitamins and to loose weight. But second on my list of resolutions is to bring back tasteless sub-standart produce to my local store. Maybe the manager will get a hint. Won't you do the same? Maybe we can start a movement: Demanding fruit that tastes as delicious as when we were young. And lets loose those extra 10 pounds in style, I say!
*** Follow the attached link for a BBC article on the U.S. governments backing of cloned food and allowing it to be sold without labeling it as such. Yuck!***
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