Sorry, but I just need to vent for a second. I am constantly amazed by the stupidity of some people. Case in point:
I just called T-Mobile to make sure that my international cell phone service is still active. I am leaving on Saturday with my 19-year old daughter for a week of rest and relaxation. After typing in my cell phone number to identify myself as a customer, I was connected to a very nice young lady. Cheerfully she wanted to know how she could help me and asked for my cell phone number again. ( I always wonder why I need to type it into the phone pad just to be asked again by the human on the other end.)
I explained that I needed to use my mobile in Cancun and just wanted to confirm that my account still permitted me to call internationally. No, problem," she replied and started to chit chat about how lucky I was and was this a vacation?"
"No, its a business trip" I lied. I just wanted to keep it short.
She seemed to be busy accessing something on the computer on her end. Then she giggled nervously:
"I am sorry, but could you tell me where Cancun is?"
I could not believe it. "You mean in what country?" I asked. "It's in Mexico"
'"Oh, all right" she replied without a trace of embarrassment.
She confirmed that I was all set to go and wished me a good trip. She seemed really sweet. And dumb.
Now I could have understood if I had asked her to check if my phone service covered Doha or Mumbai . Even I would have had to think for one or two minutes in what country they are located. But Cancun? Is Mexico not neighboring the United States? Are young people in this country so ignorant of geography that they don't even know about places just next door? It truly blows my mind.
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