Here I am, back in Brooklyn! It's a gloomy day and for the first time this winter, I felt cold in my warm jacket. Barely 48 hours have passed since I came home, but I could swear that my tan is already fading. The roar of the ocean has been replaced by the roar of city traffic. New York City can erase the effect of a whole week of relaxation within hours.
Mexico was wonderful. I had a great time with my daughter C. She is a great travel companion. We laughed a lot and were both proud of ourselves for not shying away from new adventures.
One of the wildest things we did, you guessed it, was to go swimming with sea lions. I was never so scared in my life. These things are huge! We were the only two crazies who had signed up. So here we were, just C., me and the trainer, in a pool filled with salt water. Into the pool jumped a gigantic sea lion and started swimming circles around us. It was a female named Jenny. I was panic stricken, especially since the circles became smaller and smaller until I could feel the animal brush up against my legs. A group of tourists had gathered around the pool to see the "show". It was clear that the crowd at first mistook us for professional sea lion handlers.
Prompted by her real trainer, Jenny zoomed through the water, jumped into the air, over our linked arms. Then she had to hug first C. then me by wrapping her flippers around us. As a reward she got two or three fish. Then it was time for the sea lion to kiss us on the cheek. I could see a row of large brown teeth in her mouth. I almost fainted from the strong fish odor coming from Jenny's mouth. She stuck out a fleshy pink tongue. If the crowd initially thought that we were professionals, it was at this moment that they realized that C and I were just some deranged tourists, crazy enough to sign up for such an activity. Because I must have had a look of sheer terror on my face. I hope that some of the crowd's applause was ment for us and not just for Jenny. Because I think we put on quite a show for the spectators.
Once the demonstration was over and I was back on terra ferma, I was glad that we had the chance to get so close to such an amazing creature. Because sea lions are incredible. As the crowd dispersed, a young man walked past us, flashed a huge grin and told C. : " Just imagine! You were kissed in Cancun! And your mother approved!"
Yup, it was quite an adventure to share between mother and daughter.
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