Last night wasn't so bad. Either the Prez is getting better at speaking or after 6 years of listening to this clown, I have been brainwashed. However, since he did not really say anything important or new, I was left neither outraged nor inspired. It was just that kind of a speech. Too vague and too light, sort of like Wonderbread.
But you have to hand it to him, he is hanging in there with Iraq. Does he really think we can salvage the situation in that country? Does he truly believe that more troups will make the difference? I don't know how they want to fix that mess. Torn between the belief that we owe it to the Iraqis to help them put their counrty back together and the wish not to send any more young Americans into harms way, I am thoroughly confused.
So since last night already partly felt like watching a non-event starring a lame-duck president, it was much more interesting to watch the audience. Here are some of my trivial observations:
-a lot of women politicians wore red. ( Soooo yesterday) Loved Pelosi's gentle moss green ensemble. Very classy.
-Speaking about Pelosi, what was she doing with her mouth the whole time? She seemed to be chewing on something or she just had some dental work done. In which case I can relate.
-I think Laura Bush must be on Fukitol, the little happy pill advertised in yesterday's entry. She looks as though she had a frontal lobotomy. Just once I want her to lash out at her husband. In front of the camera!
-Thank God Condi Rice has a new hairdo.
-And last but not least, here are my cabinet picks for 2008
*Obama Barrack: President
*John Edwards: Vice President
*Al Gore: Minister for the Environment.
*Hilary Clinton: Secretary of State
What do you think? What would your dream cabinet look like?
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