Evangelist Pat Robertson got a message from God during a recent prayer meeting. It seems that in 2007, the United States will be under terrorist attack once more and will experience "mass killings." God wispered to Robertson that possibly millions of people will be affected. The attack will happen in fall "sometimes after September." The only uncertainty about the attack is what kind of tragedy will befall us. " The lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe, it will be something like that."
The good news , I guess, is that Pat and God gave us advance notice. This provides us with plenty of time to get our affairs in order. Too bad for the terrorists though. I guess they lost the element of surprise which normally accompanies a terror attack.
But I am afraid, very afraid. Not of nuclear attacks which may or may not happen, but of religion. And of the fact that CNN and the Associated Press thought it necessary to cover Pat's ramblings. Since when do religious doomsday predictions become newsworthy? (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/01/02/robertson.predictions.ap/index.html)
Religious nutters like Pat Robertson scare me more than the uncertainty of the future. I am reading " The End Of Faith:Religion, Terror, and the Future Of Reason" By Sam Harris at the moment. I highly recommend it. Harris warns that religion is nothing but primitive superstition and condemns it as a threat to human survival. Harris argues that the great modern religions belong on "the scrap heap of mythology," and his zero-tolerance policy applies to religious fundamentalists and moderates alike. It is a timely book, it is a very courageous book.
So before getting all worked up about Pat's "end of this world as we know it" prediction, before running out to stock up on canned goods and gas masks, get Sam Harris's book. And regain some sanity.
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