Now that New York City's Mayor Bloomberg's attempts to impose congestion pricing for Manhattan, I have a new challenge for him and for all New Yorkers. Stop sipping out of those wasteful little water bottles. Firstly, they make even the most mucho man look like a baby suckling from his bottle, secondly, they are so not environmentally correct. Bloomberg should take note:
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has banned bottled water for all city employees when tap water is available. Cost saving measures are one reason. The City could save a whopping $ 500,000. "In San Francisco, for the price of one 1 gallon of bottled water, local residents can purchase 1,000 gallons of tap water" Newsom stated. Environmental costs and concerns are another reason to move forward with the ban. It simply takes too much oil to make the bottles, transport them and recycling them.
Great move. I have wanted to post the article below since December. Now it seems very timely. so read it and next time you stop at the deli to buy a bottle of aqua, just find a water drinking fountain instead.
The Conscientious Objector
Project Secret Green Army: Put Down That Fucking Bottle By Amanda Park Taylor
Well over a billion people on this planet lack access to safe water. YOU are not one of them: New York City has some of the best water in this country, and this country has some of the best and safest and cleanest water in the world. So why are you spending your hard-earned money on something you can get for free (or damn close)? That’s easy: massive international beverage companies want you to.
Bottled water has one of the highest profit margins of any food product — that Starbucks coffee you drop four dollars on may cost the company 25 cents, while that bottle of water you just spent $2.50 on only cost Poland Spring, aka, Nestle, five cents. Americans drop a stupendous $10,000 every minute for the privilege of getting their water wrapped in plastic, and that adds up to billions of dollars every year.
Yes, you counter, but my special bottled water is so much better than the stuff that comes out of the tap. Maybe, but not likely: more than 25 percent of all bottled water is merely municipal water (that means tap water). Sometimes that municipal water is filtered or distilled, sometimes it isn’t. There is “spring” water, but that, and all the other kinds of non-municipal water, is actually less likely to be safe than what comes gushing from your faucets. City water, from any American city, is rigorously tested for contaminants in a way that bottled water needn’t be. E. Coli and fecal coliform bacteria are strictly verboten in city water, but if a few happen to swim into your “spring” water, well, no biggie, right?
To Continue reading:
Put Down That Fucking Bottle
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