It is a glorious day here in Surfside Beach, South Carolina. I feel as though I am moving lazily from the beach to the refrigerator, back to the beach. I just came back from one of these totally over-air conditioned supermarkets to buy some stuff for a BBQ. I feel absolutely suburban down here.
People along the beach have strung up big American flags. There are the occasional Confederate ones mixed in. Very Southern and a bit spooky at times. Spending time down South always reminds me of the fact that I hardly ever come in contact with the real America back in New York. Here, surrounded by locals and vacationers from Ohio, I get a taste of why Bush was elected and re-elected in the first place. I have gotten into several conversations, some political in nature. BIg mistake. Though people are super nice here, politics are better not discussed outside of Metropolitain areas south of Washington. It is quite an education for me.
Have a great 4th, everyone.
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