Illustrations by Rotraut Susanne Berner
I got quite a kick out of the little story below. As a German living in New York, I sometimes puzzle over America's double standards: Violence on TV is O.K., female nipples are scandalous. But hey, I have adapted.
It seems that German children can handle being exposed to some flesh, but American kids need to be protected from it at all cost. That is the case being discussed with bemusement in Germany right now in what is called the "Mini-Penis Scandal."
German Children's Book author and graphic artist Rotraud Susanne Berner was tickled to learn that an American publishing house wanted to release her work in the U.S. The problem are her slightly "racy" illustrations, in particular a cute little drawing of a male nude statuette in a museum, complete with tiny little penis. The American publisher wanted the drawing changed. The author/illustrator refused. Rightfully so, I say.
America might be a prudish nation, but freedom to post the little picture with the minuscule penis is a right, so here are the images. What do you think? Too racy for American kids?
From Der Spiegel
US Publisher Turns away from Cartoon Nudity
By Franziska Bossy and Elke Schmitter
The drawings are harmless really. But a US publisher has decided not to publish a series by children's book author Rotraut Susanne Berner. The problem? Cartoon breasts and a half-millimeter-long willy.
It is rare that a German book generates any interest in the United States. And children's books are usually completely off the radar. The delight was thus all the greater at the Hildesheimer Gerstenberg publishing house when a query came in from the American children's book purveyor Boyds Mills Press for a series by Rotraut Susanne Berner.
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Mini-Penis Scandal
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