More Carroll Gardeners have come out to visit the Farmers Market on this, its second Sunday. Things were hopping this morning. And though there were still no tomatoes ( which may still not be ripe locally, I was told) there were more fruits. I bought two small baskets of local blueberries and some Bing cherries. And though I could have bought them cheaper at the new fruit stand on Court next to Winn Discount, I am willing to do my bit for local agriculture.
If you were in the market for squash and onions, you sure had your pick of several different shapes and color. I passed. The basil and the red leaf lettuce were more enticing.
So after the second week, I have to say, I may get used to this. It sure is nice to have fresh produce brought almost right to my doorsteps.
It may also become a neighborhood meeting place. Buying my few little things took me over an hour. Some chatting, some politics, some gossip with friends who were all gathered around the few market stalls...and voilà, an hour passed. This is food shopping at a totally new level.
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