The residents of Hoyt Street near Union Street are fighting to protect their quality of life. As many of you readers may have heard, there are plans for an oyster bar on Hoyt Street at # 303, right next to the Black Mountain Wine Bar. That is too much nightlife for the residents of this small block.
The location of this new bar is on a stretch of Hoyt that is zoned strictly residential, without commercial overlay. Craig Hammerman , district manager of Community Board Six has sent a letter to the NYC Department of Buildings asking the department to clarify why a "non-conforming use" of the space would be allowable for an eating and drinking establishment without a re-zoning or a variance.
In the meantime, the neighbors of the proposed bar have organized and are reaching out to others in the community. They are trying to counteract a petition being circulated asking for signatures in support of the establishment.
As a resident of Carroll Gardens, it seems reasonable to me to support our neighbors on Hoyt. It has always been my opinion that businesses should stay on commercial strips and not encroach on residential blocks.
Please sign the Hoyt Street Alliance petition by clicking here.
Below is a flier being distributed by the Hoyt Street Alliance:
Dear Neighbor:
As you may know, Jim Mamery and his partners in several bars and restaurants on Smith Street are proposing to open a bar on a residential block on Hoyt Street. They are ignoring the fact that our block is zoned for residential use only, without a commercial overlay. That is for good reason: we are a small block of only ten houses, all owner-occupied. There are babies, school age children and people getting ready to retire. All of us have day jobs, many of us get our children off to school even before we go to work.
The current wine bar already on the corner of Union and Hoyt affects the quiet nature of these streets. Every evening there are smokers outside the wine bar and car services honking their horns at midnight. This bar proposes to expand around the corner and the combination of both bars will occupy almost 50% of the block on the east side of the street. There are only 20 people living in the 6 houses on this side, but the proposed new bar on its own will hold 36 people. Think about an extra 36 people coming and going right next door or a few doors away from your house, at night or at 2.00a.m., smoking and talking on cell phones on your stoop.
Bagels By The Park currently has a petition drive asking your support for their bar. We are asking you not to sign it. Instead, please help us stop the bar.
WHAT YOU CAN DO IS: Send an e-mail registering your opposition to the bar on Hoyt Street or on any of our residential streets to HYPERLINK "mailto:seagarden295@msn.com" seagarden295@msn.com Call our political representatives to voice your opposition:
Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Borough President 718-802-3700
Joan Millman, NYS Assemblywoman, 718-246-4889
Martin Connor, NYS Senator, 212.298-5565
Bill de Blasio, NYC Council Member, 718-854-9791
Brooklyn Community Board 6, 718.643.3027
Sharing a commitment to maintain our neighborhood’s character
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