BRAVO!!! Couldn't have said it better myself!
This is a comment left by Anonymous on my post "City To Host Gowanus Homeowners Meeting To Tout Al..."
STOP THE SPIN AND STOP THE STEALTH! THE CITY OF NEW YORK (MAYOR BLOOMBERG) IS GETTING CAUGHT WITH HIS PANTS DOWN ON THIS VITAL HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL ISSSUE. SHAME ON BLOOMIE! SCIENCE MATTERS! HUMAN HEALTH MATTERS! Why all the secret flyers and now the secret meetings? To refute the science of course! (Make the facts go away!) IS BLOOMIE trying to re-create the Middle Ages in Greater Gowanus by burning all the science books and EPA findings? Where's the "Green" mayor when you need him?
Let's watch Bloomie take a "nice" canoe trip with all the youngest members of his family REAL SOON on the Gowanus Canal! I am sure the Dredgers will help him.
Doesn't the Mayor care about the health of ALL New Yorkers not just the few wealthy white ones he seems to like to help get rich?
I am a homeowner and live two blocks from the canal and have not received any notice of this meeting nor has anyone else that I have asked. I am NOT surprised however.
Financial "guru" Bloomberg can NOT be trusted to clean this canal. For him it's all about a trade of CASH for HEALTHY residents. Simply put he does not give a crap!
All the proof I need to remain PRO SUPERFUND (which I have been since the get go) is right here in the STEALTH way the City is trying to hold secret meetings. Two weeks ago it was the mysterious stealth flyer designed to alarm people and paid for by slick developer lobbyists who are close friends with the Mayor......They featured the names of all the Local POLS and had misinformation written all over them. It looked like every POL was anti Superfund and was a blatant attempt to spin the issue.
They confused the few residents here still naive enough to trust the City.. Now we have this: stealth meetings with a few select anti-SUPERFUND people to convince WHO? that Superfund is unpopular?
Everyone I know is PRO SUPERFUND! When will these spin doctors ever stop? Something is very fishy here.
I hope Bloomie can smell it where he lives too. It stinks.
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