Reader comment left on the post "Pardon Me For Asking, But Did You Get This Slick Piece Of Misinformation From Anonymous Anti-Superfund Group In The Mail?":
To 4:54 - Quick Googling - Toll Brothers has hired the Geto/Demilly PR firm to campaign against the possible Superfund designation of the Gowanus Canal. The firm specializes in representing real estate interests. In 2007, they ranked 9 in NYC's top ten lobbyists, right before Yoswein you mention being instrumental for IKEA.
Info about them on: http://www.cityhallnews.com/news/127/ARTICLE/1218/2007-07- 16.html
"Geto is a lobbyist who works with leading real estate development firms like Bruce Ratner's Forest City Ratner...He's also a .. frequent political advisor. He's worked on campaigns for George McGovern, Robert Abrams, and Howard Dean."
"Prior to becoming a lobbyist. Michele DeMilly was press secretary for the Empire State Development Corporation. She feels that her experience there largely shaped the firm’s client list, which includes some of the city’s largest developers."
The Empire State Development Corp: this name should ring a bell for those who followed Atlantic Yards. Empire State was instrumental in setting up the controversial sweet deals for Ratner. From Wikepedia: "Empire State Development Corporation is a public authority of the state of New York in the United States that has financed and operated several ambitious state projects by issuing tax exempt bonds. It has the power of eminent domain, is exempt from many of the restrictions that apply to regular government agencies and can issue bonds without formal Legislature or voter approval."
So all this sounds like Toll is paying for some pretty powerful backing and company!
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