Dear Readers, fellow blogger Jodi over at Pistols and Popcorn sent me the information below about a fundraiser she is doing for the Livestrong Challenge to benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I'll let her explain why and how she is raising money to fight cancer. Read on:
For anyone just finding me, my brother is The Fat Cyclist, or "Fatty" as his friends mockingly but oh-so-lovingly call him. My brother’s wife, Susan, has stage 4 breast cancer and is fighting an amazing and exhausting fight. They have four kids and a legion of readers and friends backing them in this battle. Fatty, his family and his readers have been on the ropes with cancer for years now, and are kicking it up a notch (BAM!) by dominating the Livestrong Challenge.
The goal is to have the largest team (Team Fatty: Fighting for Susan) in each of the four cities of the Livestrong Challenge, and to raise breathtaking amounts of money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which has been pivotal in keeping Fatty, his family, and countless others informed, prepared, and comforted in their struggles with cancer. As of this writing, Team Fatty has collectively raised $252,482. Yeh, that’s awesome.
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