Say hello to some of our neighborhood Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics.
The photo above was sent to me by Zipporah Dvash, Asst. VP of Public Affairs & Development Long Island College Hospital.
Zipporah writes:
We all hope never to have the need to call an ambulance, but just in case...it’s nice to know they’re here.
In honor of EMS week at LICH, the department’s managers and supervisors treated paramedics and EMTs (emergency medical technicians) a celebratory Bar-B-Que.
Proudly posing in front of the ambulances which serve the local community so well, are: (left to right):
1) Oscar Laporte, EMT
2) Keith Herrera, Paramedic
3) Adam Pace, Paramedic
4) Jason Burgos (student)
5) James Montesino, Paramedic
6) Elizabeth Serra (student).
Almost all the EMTs and paramedics in the photo are community residents themselves.
LICH’s Dept. of Emergency Services is now a teaching site for EMT courses. At the conclusion of the program, the graduates can become certified as New York State Emergency Medical Technicians. The instructor of the course is Edward Caballero, CCEMTP, CIC, LICH’s Senior Director of Emergency Medical Services & Logistics. “People’s lives often depend on the quick reactions and competent care of emergency personnel such as EMTs,” he says.
If anyone would like information on becoming an EMT, contact:
Zipporah Dvash phone: (718) 780-1234, or write to zdvash@chpnet.org
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