Les Manouches, a new independent theater company is presenting a piece of original work at the upcoming BoCoCa arts festival in Brooklyn (see bococaartsfestival.com). Their production, 'One night, The Rain..' is a "very humorous, melancholic, poetic piece of work" based on a G. G. Marquez story.
Go check it out!
Here is more info from les Manouches:
'One Night, the Rain...' is a stage adaptation of the short story 'Maria Dos Prazeres' by Gabriel García Márquez; poetry from Derek Walcott and Constantin Cavafis, music adapted from Tom Waits’ work.WHERE: At the Deity Bar and Lounge, 368 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
Using storytelling, puppetry, dance, and live music, The Manouches tell the story of Maria, a 76 year old prostitute, who lives while meticulously preparing for her death, until her random encounter with a young man on a cold rainy night....
Created and produced by Les Manouches, a new theater company dedicated to making original cross cultural interdisciplinary theater.
Directed by Aktina Stathaki
Musical arrangement by Jerome Simeon
Performed by Aktina Stathaki, Jerome Simeon, Jillian Johnson, Lilly Hayes, Cassandra Weston.
WHEN: July 17th at 7pm
July 19th at 8pm
July 22nd at 7.30pm
July 24th at 7.30pm
Entry: U.S.$ 16
Part of the BoCoCaArts festival. For tickets visit:http://
For more info on the company visit: www.lesmanouches.wordpress.com
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