I live on the south side of President St between Smith & Hoyt (closer to Hoyt). This is the second summer we have seen rats in our patio & backyard, at least three times this past summer (those are the ones we actually saw; who knows how many more there might have been that we didn't see). There have also been numerous mouse sightings. I find this thoroughly disgusting and unacceptable. I have lived here my entire life (50+ years), and never have we had rats in our yard.
We complained to Assemblywoman Millman's office last year, but nothing really came of it except reporting it to the Sanitation Dept which sent an inspector to look around on the block and didn't see any "evidence." We have a small dog, so baiting is out of the question for us. Traps are also out; what do I do when the trap works? I also find it just repulsive that some of my own neighbors just take it in stride and shrug it off. Can you believe it? The city must become much more aggressive in the battle, especially along Smith Street, where I suspect the root of the problem lies.
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