To me the big story here is the loss of the power and the loss of the APPEAL of the Carroll Gardens "OLD GUARD", eg the Scottos and their followers. Perhaps they never really had all that power and influence to begin with?
Even many Carroll Gardeners here for generations did not choose to support Heyer and his claim that he was "one of us". Clearly many, many voters in CArroll Gardens disagreed! This is a rather stunning revelation in a nabe that seemed to be all "ruled" by a tiny, handful of people until recently.
As much as they tried to exert enormous pressure on the neighborhood voters, (and they did!) the CG old timers were just not having it. They didn't see the Heyer as Councilman idea as such a good one, and they picked two men from the Slope over one of "their own".
This is really quite a day in the history of Carroll Gardens.
The ever-amazing Josh Skaller who ran a clean campaign without all the dollars and financial support of Lander and Heyer, managed to come in SECOND!! How wonderful is that? Josh must run again!
Lastly, it's such a shame that the voters on the "Hill" and the "Slope" could not, in many cases, see beyond their noses to the all consuming environmental disaster that is the Gowanus Canal; licking at their feet as we speak.
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