Fellow blogger Cynthia was kind enough to send me her fantastic photo of a heron at the Gowanus canal. I had never seen one myself, nor, in all honesty, did I know that there were any by the shores of the heavily polluted waterway. Cynthia writes:
I was walking the dog one night and was in the dead end on Sackett when I saw the most beautiful bird. It is an immature Black-Crowned Night Heron. He was just sitting there on the boom (not sure what it is) in the Canal. I just hoped he didn't drink or fish in the water. LOL Just thought this might interest the readers especially those living nearby.
Unfortunately, the heron most probably feeds on the fishes in the canal. And this is how the pollutants deep within the water of the Gowanus are spread out from its banks and get into the food chain. That is what the EPA is concerned about and why the federal agency proposed to place the Gowanus Canal on its list of Superfund sites. For the heron's sake and ours, lets hop they do.
Thanks Cynthia , for sharing the photo. The name of her blog is Living in Brooklyn-Longing for Maine. Hope you check it out, dear Reader.
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