Our local parks in Carroll Gardens and Cobble Hill are filled to capacity these days, especially with little kids. That does not leave a lot of space for teens and young adults, who certainly should have a place of their own. Imagine how cool it would be to provide them with a skate park right in our own community. The Friends Of Douglass/Greene Park want to make the skate park a reality and will be holding a fundraiser. below is the info.
The Friends of Douglass/Greene Park are inviting you to be a part
renovation of a park for all of our neighborhoods!
This fund raiser is to be held at “Building on Bond”,
at the corner of
Bond & Pacific Streets
on Monday, October 19th,
7:00 – 9:00pm.
The suggested donation is only ten bucks – includes food & drink & music & surprise raffle & silent auction items with great stuff from local shops, restaurants and artists.
This is for the future home of a skate park, playground and picnic area in
Thomas Greene Park located next to the DD Pool between Nevins St. & 3rd Ave. & Douglass & DeGraw Streets.
We want to get our park started right now. This can be done by the
purchase of ‘skate elements’ which cost $3,000 each. The Brooklyn Parks
Dept. has assured us that if we purchase these now - they can be used in the current park and in the renovated park once it is developed.
Sponsored by the Friends – _www.friendsofdouglassgreenepark.org_
A 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to developing the Thomas Greene Park for the community.
And don't forget:
EVERY FRIDAY 3:30 - 4:30 PM!
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