Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Largest Coalition Of South Brooklyn Civic Groups From Both Sies Of The Gowanus Visit Senator Schumer's Office":
Senator Schumer HAS TO KNOW that the Flushing Tunnel work the City is FINALLY now doing is mandated work that should have been done YEARS AGO!!! The City is only doing this now because it has been BACKED INTO A CORNER with the EPA here ready to tackle cleanup of the toxic Gowanus Canal. Not only is the City's alternate plan insufficient, City taxpayers would be paying for it (as opposed to federal dollar for EPA Superfund cleanup), and the City IS BROKE!!! And now that Newtown Creek has been nominated as a Superfund site, can't wait to see how the City will dance around this once. Will the City say it will clean up Newtown Creek, too? (since they say they can clean better and faster - yeah, right!) Gowanee
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