****News Flash****
“Securing a healthy environment for New York City families is the single most important factor in choosing a course of action for cleaning both the Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek."Nydia Velázquez
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez is the latest elected official to release a pro-EPA Superfund statement for the Gowanus Canal. By doing so, she joins fellow politicians
NYS Senators Daniel Squadron and Velmanette Montgomery, as well as Assemblywoman Joan Millman, who already openly support the Superfund listing of the dangerously polluted waterway.
My thanks goes out to Representative Velázquez, Squadron, Montgomery and Millman for putting the health of their constituents above all.
Lets hope that Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, still-Councilman Bill DeBlasio, Senators Schumer and Gillibrand will follow suite.
Read Velázquez's statement below:
My thanks goes out to Representative Velázquez, Squadron, Montgomery and Millman for putting the health of their constituents above all.
Lets hope that Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, still-Councilman Bill DeBlasio, Senators Schumer and Gillibrand will follow suite.
Read Velázquez's statement below:
Velázquez Urges Superfund Designation for Gowanus, Newtown
Says EPA Has Resources, Expertise to Clean Up Polluted Waterways
Washington, DC – Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (D-N.Y.) issued the following
statement today urging the Environmental Protection Agency to complete
its review and designate the Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek as federal
Superfund sites:
“Securing a healthy environment for New York City families is the single
most important factor in choosing a course of action for cleaning both
the Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek. Superfund designation will
thoroughly remove hazards and transform these waterways into a source of
pride for our community.
“Among the most contaminated sites in the country, the Gowanus Canal and
Newtown Creek have threatened the health of New Yorkers for long enough
and kept these neighborhoods from realizing their full potential. With
nearly three decades of experience, the EPA has the expertise and
resources to carry out a comprehensive remediation of these sites,
creating a safe place for New Yorkers to live and work. Through the
EPA’s help, these local treasures will become a revitalized waterfront
for the people of Brooklyn.
“The Superfund program establishes an equitable process for restoring
accountability and invigorating the Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek.
What we have before us is a means to fully protect the well being of New
Yorkers, as well as ensure future growth and responsible development in
our neighborhoods.
“Efforts to transform Brooklyn’s waterfront have brought the community
together and have resulted in the many innovative projects underway.
Superfund designation will complement these efforts. By working together
we will fully restore both the functionality and beauty of these sites.”
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