Anonymous left the following comment on the post: Big Dreams Of Development Along The Gowanus: Realtors, Developers And Politicians Gathered To Discuss Future Of The Gowanus Canal Area
The presentation seemed to focus on the infrastructure assets" of the area --transportation and large empty spaces. But it avoided the significant infrastructure detriments--that this is a low inland drainage area where the city sends significant amounts of sewage. The infrastructure capacity to carry that sewage away from the area just isn't matched to the volume of sewage drained into the basin. The work at the Flushing Tunnel will do little to reduce the present day sewage loads being emptied into the canal especially after the Atlantic Yards project is built out.
Without a plan to stop using the canal basin as an open sewer, how can any of these reasonable bright individuals look to building housing along this drainage basin.
But who knows, maybe they are already factoring into their redevelopment costs, the expense of separating the sewer system throughout the Gowanus watershed.
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