Adam A has left a new comment on your post "Picture Of The Day: The "Princess" In Brooklyn":
Yes, she looks grand and appealing, Katia. But the Princess and the other visiting cruise ships, including the Queen Mary II, are idling while in port and are belching 100 tons of NOx, 100 tons of SOx and 6 tons of particulate matter into the air over our neighborhoods and into our children's lungs every year they visit. These emissions, designated as "likely carcinogens" and "harmful .. especially to our children" by the EPA, would be eliminated if the cruise ships were able to "plug in" to the city power grid while in port. The cruise ships have agreed to do this and have committed to converting their ships to do so, but the main impediment for this happening right now is the recalcitrance of Con Ed to supply a competitive power rate to the Cruise Terminal that would allow the cruise ships to turn off their polluting, extra-dirty diesel engines while in port, as is being done in many ports on the West Coast. Unfortunately, it seems as though Con Ed - like BP, Chemtura and their ilk - are happy to make their profits at the expense of our environment and the health of our children.
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