Picture by. A.P.
Your mother always told you to leave the house with clean undies and clean socks. I guess this is why:
During a visit to a Mosque in Turkey, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz took off his shoes as is the custom. Imagine the surprise of everyone present ( including the press) when his big toes peeked out from his grey socks.
Wolfowitz's two day trip to Turkey included a meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Reycep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss Turkey's bid to join the European Union. On the same trip, he also visited with homeless men at an Istanbul shelter who are being helped by a program established by the World Bank
Maybe the socks were a way for Wolfowitz to seem more approachable? After all, the World Bank President's salary was listed at $391,440 in their 2006 Financial report.
That should be enough to pay for new sox for himself and maybe even everyone in that homeless shelter. But wait! Is that a stain on his pants? Sure looks like it on the picture. And his shoes could use some polishing. However, this should come as no surprise. This is the same guy who apparently was seen spitting on a comb before passing it through his hair in Michael Moore's movie. And the same guy who was the architect of both the administration's Iraqi fixation and its doctrine of "preventive" war.