(Photo Credit Pink Sherbet Photography on Flickr)
Below is a message from Simmi, a Committee To Improve Carroll Park volunteer who has graciously accepted to organize this year's Children's Concert series. To make this beloved summer event a reality, she need a little help.
Summer is on it's way!
Remember the wonderful kids’ concerts in Carroll Park last summer? Well, our good neighbor and friend of Carroll Park, Judy, has moved out of state and the concert series is in jeopardy. As a local mom of 2 preschoolers, I have taken the challenge of reviving the concert series. This is an exciting and challenging endeavor involving advance efforts such as gathering funding and securing bands, along with concert day execution activities.
I would love to get some help from the community. Here are a few things you can do
- if you have any special skills (graphics, advertising, promotions) etc and are willing to spend some time on this, WE CAN USE YOUR HELP
- if you are willing to hang up flyers and promotional materials, WE CAN USE YOUR HELP
- if you have any connections with local businesses or organizations that may be able to contribute funding or product for raffles, WE CAN USE YOUR HELP
- if you have time to help with concert day activities, including setup, cleanup, donation collection, and product/raffle sales, WE CAN USE YOUR HELP
- once we get the concert series off the ground, we hope you can all participate by attending the events, contributing via donations or product/raffle purchases and spreading the word. Again, WE CAN USE YOUR HELP
- if you have any musical talents, particularly in executing sound for outdoor concerts, WE CAN USE YOUR HELP
- any other great ways you can support us would be welcome –this is a community endeavor, if you have any creative ideas of how we can pull this off – I’m all ears
I am committed to making this work, for the benefit of my kids and others in the neighborhood. I hope the parents in the community can show the same commitment and support to keep these wonderful, free concerts alive. Please email me with your contact details and how you’re willing to help, I will compile a database of volunteers and call on you as needed.
Also – please save the date, June 21st, for an end-of-school concert. Assuming we have secured the funding, we will kick off the season with our first band. More details to follow.
Thanks in advance,
Simmi (simmi@alumni.duke.edu)
In addition, if you or anyone you know would like to make a donation and/or sponsor the event, please contact: friendsofcarrollpark@yahoo.com
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