Holy cow! Shortly after arriving in the one-time war capital, Hanoi, President Bush compared the Vietnam and Iraq conflicts.
"We'll succeed unless we quit" he stated about the war in Iraq.
Now maybe I am overly critical of the man, but I think this was a faux-pas. First of all, why bring any war up on this first visit to Vietnam? Was that really necessary? His statement almost sounds as though he is suggesting that if America had stayed in Vietnam a bit longer as well, our country would have won that conflict. Will the Vietnamese not interpret the statement as: "If only we would have stayed to finish the job...." That is a nice thing to tell your host.
Yes, there are too many similarities between the two conflicts. It is scary how much they are alike. And they are alike chiefly because both were/are unwinnable.
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Below is an article of great interest from the German Spiege lhttp://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,447763,00.html
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