What a relief. America is finally back out of the Dark Ages. I feel as though I can breathe again. As I am writing this, Congress is firmly in democratic hands and they have won four seats in the Senate with two extra seats a distinct possibility. As a commentator on BBC Radio news said this morning: " President Bush had a bad night."
Oh, what a sweet affirmation that Americans are not as gullible and pliable as it has seemed for the last 6 years. We showed the rest of the world that this country can only be duped for so long.
But what does this shift in power mean?
Does it mean that the smirk on President Bush's face is finally erased?
Does it mean that Rumsfeld is out?
Or that this administration will start treating its citizens with the respect they deserve instead of the contempt they have shown for hard working average Americans?
As wonderful as this victory feels, however, Democrats have only two years to do a better job. As citizens of this country, we need to continue to put pressure on our elected officials. The mediocrity amongst our politicans, Republican or Democrat, has been stunning. This country deserves a smarter, wiser representation. Lets all work on that together!
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