As a foreigner, I never quite got the hang of Thanksgiving. It seems that on this holiday, you either spend countless hours cooking an elaborate dinner or you sit in the car stuck in traffic on your way to eat said dinner. Nice!
I am the one who does the cooking in my family. I put dinner on the table most nights. I am a good cook, too. But there is something about Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe it is the fact that the main purpose for the day is for me to stand in the kitchen cooking vast quantities of starchy food. Could it be the fact that I am a vegetarian and that the thought of all this meat is frankly a bit unsettling?
I never celebrated Thanksgiving as a child in Europe, so I don't have those fond Norman Rockwell memories that my American friends have. For the sake of my American husband and children however, I am willing to slave the day away. No turkey in this house, though. My husband opted for the ham instead. His choice not mine!
There is something more to Thanksgiving, of course. It is about having your family around the dinner table. And I like that.
So, tomorrow morning, like a good pilgrim, I will let everyone sleep, go down into the kitchen and start cooking the ham.
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