There is no denying it. Fall has come to Brooklyn. I woke up this morning, looked out at the newly bare trees and thought: how much things change in one week.
The same is true for this week in Washington. In our nation's capital, President Bush took a huge fall, and I wonder if he can be put together again. After six years of blundering, smugness and lying, he finally was punished by voters in this mid-term election. And it felt sooooo good.
Bush is often wrong but never in doubt. He claims that his God is watching over him and this country. So I wonder if he truly understands the significance of this week. During his first press conference after the defeat, he seemed more defiant than ever. His nervous twitches, his insanely infantile jokes and his smirk were still all in place. Does he even fully comprehend that the mood in this country has shifted back to the center? I doubt it. Just as I doubt that this stunning defeat will make him any humbler.
Tough this country faces the same major problems as before the election, I am confident that at last, we have more moderate representation in Washington. I have to say, this was a very, very good week, indeed.
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