The house is empty again after the four-day week-end. I wish I could say the same about the fridge. There are still all kinds of leftovers safely stored in Tupperware containers. Enough to squeeze one more meal out of....Anyone still hungry?
Now for the next phase. The Christmas season has officially begun. My neighbor D. across the street has put out her decorations. Each year, she is finished decorating the front of her house by Friday 9 Am the day after Thanksgiving. Big red velvet bows adorn each window, littler ones hang from every branch of the holly bush, gigantic ones frame the front door. This year she has added an illuminated nativity scene she got at J.C.Penney's. Yes, Christmas is upon us!
The shopping season has also officially begun. However, at the risk of forgoing some terrific bargains, I did not line up out at 5 Am on Friday to buy electronics at Sears. Who does that anyway? Who are these freaks they showed on the news trampling each other to get into Wal-mart at midnight? After turkey dinner, no less. All I was good for was watching another 3 episodes of the highly addictive " Deadwood."
And today is Cyber Monday, the day on which millions of people in this country place their online Christmas gift orders from their office computers. And employers know this? They should just add one more day to the Thanksgiving week-end, I say.
I love Christmas. Like every year at this time, I am trying to get myself motivated and into the holiday spirit. I received the Christmas lists from the youngest members of our family. Lists are always helpful. But now I am struggling with some important questions. Do I give in and buy my son the $150 butterfly knife he wants so badly? Do I purchase the $80 J.Crew sweater for my niece even though I have not bought myself an item that expensive in a long time? Should I just recklessly spend and make everyone happy or do I try to stay real? Do I have an obligation to buy things for Christmas that I would not buy under any circumstance during the rest of the year? More importantly, do we really need all this crap? So, on my own list this year? Absolutely nothing. And I mean it.
However, shop we must. So I am going to get ready, grab my Metrocard and take the subway into Manhattan. I will try to find the right balance between fulfilling wishes and watching my spending. And hope that come Christmas day, everyone is happy with their loot.
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