According to an article on the Deutsche Welle News site, Germans are beginning to get disenchanted with their GPS navigation systems. The problem? They may be too good at following the instructions. "If the system tells them to turn right, they turn right. If it tells them to turn left, they turn left." Even if it means crashing into an outhouse.
Here are just a few real incidents from German roads
A 53-year-old German driver recently took the command "Turn right now!" from his navigation system all too literally. 30 meters before the crossing he was meant to take, the excessively obedient driver from Freiburg drove his SUV off the road into a nearby construction site, drove it up a stairway and crashed it into a poor, unsuspecting toilet shack that had never seen this type of action before.
Police in the eastern German town of Rudolstadt said the incident had caused 2,000 euros ($2,500) in damages to the stairway, 100 euros to the car and that the driver was also fined accordingly. The ongoing fine for extreme obedience is 35 euros.
Earlier this month another German ignored the sign "Closed for construction" on a Hamburg highway and followed his navigation system into a pile of sand. No injuries were reported.
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