A quick update. I went to the corner of Smith and 2nd Place to check out the protest against Scarano. There were about 30 to 40 people at the subway station.
I have to hand it to Bill DeBlasio. He sure knows a media opportunity when he sees one. Here he was, with a portable little lectern complete with New York City Council emblem. Very official. He made an impassionate speech about the unique nature of Carroll Gardens. He stated that he has met with the developer of the site and told him in no uncertain terms that he needs to get rid of Robert Scarano as the project architect if he wants to build here. He gave examples of Scarano's terrible record and violations with the Buildings Department. All true. Scarano is a snake of course.
But the entire protest in my opinion was a well orchestrated way for Bill, the Council Superman to get some brownie points as a protector of Brownstone Brooklyn. I am sure some people bought it. However, it was very funny to see a group against the Atlantic Yards Project holding up big signs stating that " Bill De Blasio Loves Ratner" and "Bill DeBlasio Loves The Atlantic Yards Project."
It was perfect. Bill talking behind his little collapsable lectern with big posters over his head exposing him as a pro-development, pro-Ratner Politico. It was surely not the media event he was looking for.
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