To my local Brooklyn readers, you know about the punitive dismissal of some Community Board 6 members because they opposed the Atlantic Yards Mega Project. The three politicians who appoint members to the board, Marty Markowitz, Bill DeBlasio and David Yassky replaced nine members with people probably more inclined to embrace Bruce Ratner's monstro" city."
Of course the lesson to learn for our board members is that they better not cross the politicos who appoint them. And that they have just become useless to the community. They have just become yes-men. Under those conditions, can they even represent their community?
Now one brave board member, Joe Porcelli, is resigning in protest. And he would like other board members to follow suit. That is probably not going to happen, but in the meantime, Porcelli is the sole member who has any guts and conviction. Good for him.
I met Joe Porcelli once or twice when my husband and I were struggling to stop a local bar from illegally using their back yard. Joe was one of the only board members who took the time to speak with us and to give us some constructive advice. He was very knowledgeable and professional and took his role on the board very seriously, which immediatelly set him apart from some of the other 50 members. Too bad he will no longer serve in his capacity, but I truly respect him for resigning. Thank goodness some people still have strong personal convictions.
Related link
CB6 member to resign in protest: Says Marty’s purge makes boards “meaningless”
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