My, my! Will wonders never cease? Is Bill DeBlasio actually getting involved in the Scarano Smith Street building debacle? A showdown between De Blahblah and Scarano? That's priceless.
Finally a worthwhile cause for our Councilman to pursue, one that will actually help Carroll Gardens. Now if we could only get him to change his mind about some other, bigger Brooklyn construction projects. Lets keep blogging away, folks.....
Release from Bill De Blasio's Office:
Join Councilmember Bill de Blasio and Stand up Against Illegal Construction!
Wednesday June 4, 2007
12:30 PM
In front of Robert Scarano’s latest project
360 Smith Street, Brooklyn.
What we want:
We want Robert Scarano and any other architect, developer or contractor working in this city to know they must be held accountable for their actions. Anyone who violates zoning codes, building codes and practices unsafe construction is not wanted in our neighborhood!
The New York City Department of Buildings has already relieved Scarano of his self-certification. Now we are calling on the New York State Department of Education to strip Robert Scarano of his architecture license.
Power in Numbers! We must show that we will no longer tolerate this abuse!
Councilmember Bill de Blasio 2907 Ft. Hamilton Parkway (718) 854-9791
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