Boy, Council Member Bill De Blasio is not letting up on getting the state to revoke Robert Scarano's architecture license. An email sent by DeBlasio's District Director to members of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association urges everyone to copy an attached letter addressed to Governor Eliot Spitzer and to send it off quickly in the hope that Scarano's license will be pulled before construction at 360 Smith Street gets started.
Though I agree with De Blasio that Scarano is a bad seed, I am skeptical of the councilman's motives in all of this. Going after the architect is an easy way for Bill to get some great coverage in the local press and even the New York Times. It is a masterful P.R. stunt. Here is a pro-development politician looking anti-development without actually doing anything against development. Keep in mind that in this case, he is not going after the developer or the contractor, only the architect. It will earn him points with some less politically savvy neighborhood residents but those involved with the Carroll Gardens rezoning issue will look right through this little game. After all, this is the same guy who is supporting the bending of existing landmark rules to allow a huge residential tower at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Court Street.
Don't get me wrong. I have said it here before, revoking Scarano's license is a worthy cause. Brooklyn should not have to make space for another one of his buildings. However, Bill DeBlasio should not try to use the revocation of Scarano's license to make himself look like Mr. Anti-Development, when in fact he is not.
Here is the email and form letter
Hello everyone,
Below is the text of a letter asking the State DOE to revoke Scarano's
Licence. All you have to do is cut and past, ad your name to the end and
mail it to Commisioner Mills. Below the DOE letter you will find a
letter to Governor Eliot Spitzer asking for his help. If you can help
get the rest of the neighborhood to write maybe we can get his license
pulled before the plans for 360 Smith are approved.
Tom Gray
District Director
City Council Member Bill de Blasio
(718) 854-9791
(718) 854-1146 Fax
June 18, 2007
Governor Eliot Spitzer
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
Honorable Eliot Spitzer:
I am writing in regard to Robert Scarano of Scarano Architects located
at 110 York Street, Brooklyn. Mr. Scarano has been a problem in the City
of New York, and I am asking that he be no longer permitted to practice
as an architect within the State of New York.
Mr. Scarano has knowingly violated zoning regulations and building
codes. Throughout the city, Mr. Scarano is synonymous with bad
contractors, dangerous job sites and out of scale development.
In my neighborhood, the New York City Department of Buildings has
repeatedly required Robert Scarano to change his plans for the same
infractions. He has also been relieved of his self-certification
privileges because he consistently certified plans knowing they did not
comply with all city and state regulations.
If you have any questions you can reach me at ***-***-**** .
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