Architect Robert Scarano probably wished he had stayed out of Carroll Gardens. After building two horror boxes close to the Gowanus canal, he has angered the neighborhood and Councilman Bill DeBlasio so much that both are asking the Buildings Department to strip Scarano of his architecture licence. To see some great pictures of his ugly construction in our neighborhood, check out this great blog: FOUNDINBROOKLYN
Please come today and protest like its 1968!
Event Announcement from Bill de Blasio
Join Councilmember Bill de Blasio and Stand up Against Illegal Construction! Wednesday June 4, 2007 In front of Robert Scarano's latest project 360 Smith Street, Brooklyn. What we want: We want Robert Scarano and any other architect, developer or contractor working in this city to know they must be held accountable for their actions. Anyone who violates zoning codes, building codes and practices unsafe construction is not wanted in our neighborhood! The New York City Department of Buildings has already relieved Scarano of his self-certification. Now we are calling on the New York State Department of Education to strip Robert Scarano of his architecture license. Power in Numbers! We must show that we will no longer tolerate this abuse!
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