Oh, the indignity of it. We are finally on vacation, and here we are, making a list of things to do.
1) Go to Sears to buy a new dishwasher.
This morning, I wanted to turn the blasted thing on, and imagine my surprise when the thing did nothing. It's as dead as a doorknob. After spending half an hour doing all the dishes by hand, some fiddling around, the husband determined that the electronic control panel is broken. Therefore, the visit to Sears. Fun.
2) The air handler thingy for the air conditioner needs to be replaced. Mind you, its not broken, but it does need "eventual replacement." Since we are here already, we may as well take care of it. Which means at least a day without cool air in the summer heat in South Carolina. More fun.
3) Two more ceiling fans need to be installed, in the hope that we can save some energy and encourage people to use the old fashioned way of cooling a room instead of cranking up the A.C.
4) No # four yet, but I am sure it is in our future...
On top of that, its cloudy this morning. But I would much rather be here than in the city. So I will stop moaning....I promise.
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