Believe me, that was a happy age, before the days of architects,
before the days of builders
Still Visible: Big sky over the Public Place site
What will 2008 bring to Carroll Gardens? Change! And lots of it. One may argue that change is good. No doubt! But to bring change about without improving what it is you are changing is a wasted opportunity. For 2008, I wish that developers and architects planning to build in this lovely neighborhood realize that they are not creating in a vacuum, but rather in a context.
Their egos and their profits should have to take a back seat to what is good for the neighborhood.
A Blogger girl can dream, can't she?
Their egos and their profits should have to take a back seat to what is good for the neighborhood.
A Blogger girl can dream, can't she?
It is not the houses. It is the spaces between the houses.
It is not the streets that exist. It is the streets that no longer exist.- James Fenton
The job of buildings is to improve human relations: architecture must ease them, not make them worse.Ralph Erskine
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