(photo credit: venus in furs at flickr)

One of the most exciting announcements at Monday's Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association meeting was by far the fact that the group is finally moving their meetings out of Buddy Scotto's funeral home.
For years, C.G.N.A. gathered monthly at this very unusual location. I don't know about my fellow Carroll Gardeners, but it always creeped me out to walk through those doors. Once too many times, I walked into the wrong room, stumbling upon a wake.
Thank goodness, C.G.N.A. has finally found a new venue. Starting in February, the group will be holding its meetings at Mary Star Of The Sea Apartment Complex at 41 1st Street.
Hopefully, that also means that C.G.N.A. will finally be viewed as a real neighborhood association as opposed to "Buddy's Group."
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