Today, I was so very proud of my fellow Carroll Gardens residents.
For so many months, the community has been trying to get the attention of our politicians and of the New York City Zoning Department to down-zone our lovely neighborhood. It was not an easy road. Had it not been for the tireless work of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association and C.O.R.D., we may not have gotten as far in our effort to protect C.G..
I guess this is the place where I should thank our Councilman Bill de Blasio for his contribution. His announcement that City Planning will begin consideration of our rezoning request was welcome news. Also welcome was his resolution for a moratorium on construction until City Planning initiates the the rezoning even though it is not legally binding. In another positive development, the city is going to review and clarify the wide-street issue, hopefully closing a loophole for developers to build higher on blocks with deep gardens which were being counted as part of the street.
All this of course brings the Carroll Gardens community further in its quest.
However, as I was standing there, listening to Bill DeBlasio speak in front of the media, a fellow Carroll Gardener turned to me and said, "He is here because we shamed him into this."
How true, how true. Bill DeBlasio should have been actively helping this community months ago. We would be so much further along in protecting this brownstone enclave. If he was standing here today, finally ready to put his political office to good use, it was because he could no longer ignore the very public criticism aimed at him.
The rally was an important step, for sure. But Carroll Gardens should keep up the pressure, both with DeBlasio and with City Planning.
Until the rezoning is official, our neighborhood is at risk.
Related Reading:
At Rally, News of Carroll Gardens Downzoning Progress
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