Look at what I found ! An old postcard of the Thrifty Beverage Center on Court Street, circa 1960's.
Back then, the telephone number was the same, but without area code.
The address was 252 instead of today's 256, but then of course, the store was still in the old building on the same site.
The selection of beer was as impressive as today.
And the prices? Hmmmm, they were a lot lower though I had a hard time deciphering the signs in the postcard photo.
Can you?
* Post update
I am just sitting here with my blogger friend Lisanne of Found In Brooklyn. She just told me that she posted the exact postcard on her blog a while back. She found it with her grandmother's possessions when she had to empty her apartment.
Here is her post. Check it out here.
* Post update
I am just sitting here with my blogger friend Lisanne of Found In Brooklyn. She just told me that she posted the exact postcard on her blog a while back. She found it with her grandmother's possessions when she had to empty her apartment.
Here is her post. Check it out here.
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