Friends Eleanor Traubman and Marisa Catalina Casey over at Starting Artists sent me the info below. If you are in need of a place away from home to get some work done, this will be of interest to you.
Calling All Brooklyn Artists, Community Organizers, and Entrepreneurs:
(Photographers, Writers, Graphic Designers - you especially!)
Are you looking for a quiet, inspiring space to do your work?
Are you looking for a place to hold workshops or meetings?
Would you like to have free wireless access without having to buy a $5 cup of coffee?
Would you like to have access to the last IMAC desktop computers with the Adobe CS3 Creative Suite?
Starting Artists, a new nonprofit on Smith St. in Cobble Hill, is opening its doors to you!
You can either rent space at an affordable hourly rate OR in exchange for volunteering your time with the organization.
Starting Artists is a community-based nonprofit organization which benefits under-served teenagers in Brooklyn, NY through hands-on training in the arts and entrepreneurship. SA's free after-school classes in the media arts and business prepare and inspired youth to create arts-based enterprises. Evening and weekend classes for adults are available also. For more information, please visit www.startingartists.org.
To talk about space rental or barter, please contact:
Marisa Casey, Director of Starting Artists
718-701-5483 or email her at marisa@startingartists.org
[where: Starting Artists, 211 Smith Street]
For Home Page, click Pardon Me For Asking
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