Back in the 1980's, the city erroneously labeled the 'Place' blocks here in Carroll Gardens as wide streets, therefore allowing higher and bulkier construction on those beautiful brownstone blocks. Developers seized this opportunity to build up and out and of course, to make more profit. The result in most cases were condo buildings that were out of context with the rest of the neighborhood.
After many months of unbelievable hard work, a group of very dedicated residents from C.O.R.D. and The Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association have been able to convince the city to correct this zoning loophole. In July, the City Council voted for the Wide Street Text Amendment.
Immediately, stop work orders were issued to the construction sites that were within the area covered by the text amendment.
Bill Stein, the developer of Oliver House will have his case heard by the Board of Standards and Appeals today. Two applications are calendared. The first one is to prove that the foundation of his development is substantially completed. The second one is to prove that he will suffer financial hardship if he is forced to build according to the amended zoning.
Oh, I feel so very bad for Mr. Stein. Personally, I believe that the developer will make a healthy profit even if he needs to scale the project back. Of course, for him, more is better...but that could also be interpreted as greed.
If the Board of Standards and Appeals should decide in Stein's favor tomorrow they will wrong the Carroll Gardens community once more. It has already been determined by the city that the old zoning which Stein wants to have applied had been an oversight. Now that the Place Blocks have been downzoned, Stein should be forced to conform.
No matter what happens, I am proud of my fellow Carroll Gardeners for all the work that they have done.
Thanks Rita, Lucy, John, Glenn, Maria, Vince, Triada, Maryann and so many more....
The hearing is open to the public. I hope many of you can come.
BSA/Board of Standards and Appeals.
September 24, 2008 10:00 AM
BSA/Board of Standards and Appeals.
September 24, 2008 10:00 AM
40 Rector Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10006
Related Reading:
Revisiting Mr. Stein's 360 Smith Street / 131 Second Place Oliver House Site
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