(at least there was one provided last week when I was there)
Mark Your Calendars:
Carroll Gardens will have a post office on October 3rd from 11 Am to 3 PM
Carroll Gardens will have a post office on October 3rd from 11 Am to 3 PM
Carroll Gardens is post office challenged. Always has been. Want to ship a package? You either have to walk to the Red Hook post office or to the main one at Cadman Plaza. Not terribly convenient, to say the least. The neighborhood has been asking, no begging, USPS to have a presence here.
Over the years, quite a few contract stations ( I can remember at least 5 over the last 20 years) have been established in local stores, but the merchants either gave up after a while or got themselves into trouble for taking money. Finally, a few years ago, it seemed as though the problem had been solved. The Eileen Dugan senior Citizen Center on Court Street made some room downstairs in their basement and a small little post office was opened there two days a week for just a few hours. It was all that was needed. It worked perfectly, not only for seniors but for all Carroll Gardeners.
Then one day, the little post office station stayed closed. We were told that it would reopen in one week, then we were told that it would come back in a month. Finally, promises were made that it would be reopened in the fall, which turned into spring.....you get the idea. Meanwhile, a postal truck on Court came with some regularity. That was good for buying stamps, but not for sending packages. If the box did not fit under the little (bullet proof?) window slot of the truck, you couldn't send it. It was better than nothing, but one still had to go all the way to the post office to ship. Lately, even the truck has stopped coming because of budget cuts as I reported last week.
Our local officials have certainly tried to help by putting pressure on USPS, but even they sometimes seem exasperated by the run-around that they have gotten. Assemblywoman Joan Millman has tried repeatedly to have the service restored. Oscar Jonas of Senator Connor's office made numerous telephone calls to no avail. Just in the last few days, Deanna Bitetti of Representative Clarke's office has been a bit more successful. Yey and thanks to Deanna! I appreciate her effort. She has gotten a letter and a promise from the USPS Customer Relations Coordinator that they will "visit" the Eileen Dugan center.
But here is the thing. USPS will come ONCE every month for FOUR hours. In addition, the coordinator writes "Days of week will shift depending on time of month and needs of the Cadman Plaza Post Office."
USPS, you must be joking! I suppose it is better than nothing, but come on. Enough of that nonsense. Stop driving us crazy with your erratic service. Commit to giving this community a sub-station and STICK to a schedule! Below is the letter from the USPS Customer Relations Coordinator to Deanna.
Good Morning Deanna,
As per our conversation yesterday. The USPS will visit the Eileen Dugan
Senior Center once a month. We have increased the time frame from 2
hours to 4 hours.
A Clerk will be at the Senior Center on Friday, October 3, 2008 from
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM. We will start with once a month for four hours. If
revenue increases and necessitates more USPS time, we will accomodate.
Days of week will shift depending on time of month and needs of the
Cadman Plaza Post Office.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you.
Andrea Burrows
Customer Relations Coordinator
Brooklyn Customer Services
(718) 348-3606
Fax: (718) 348-3915
Related Reading:
Carroll Gardens Postal Truck Not Likely To Return Anytime Soon
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