Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hannah Senesh School
342 Smith Street Street

Back in February of this year, the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association moved its monthly meetings from Scotto's Funeral Home to the more appropriate Mary Star Of The Sea Senior Apartment complex on 1st Street. And what a difference it made. The space was much bigger and lighter. In addition, everyone in the neighborhood who attended C.G.N.A.'s meetings was probably relieved that they did not have to go to a funeral home in order to attend a neighborhood meeting. I myself was always creeped out walking into the place in order to stay in the know.

Yes, Mary Star Of The Sea seemed like a much more professional and pleasant place to hold meetings. Was it just coincidence that the neighborhood seems to have come together to speak in one voice much more in the last few months? After all, Carroll Gardens almost unanimously stood behind the Wide Street Zoning Text Amendent, which just past in July.
Getting away from Buddy Scotto and his funeral home has been a good thing for the neighborhood and for C.G.N.A. Though Buddy was always a gracious host, as someone once said to me, it always felt "as though he was holding court." I think that is a rather apt description. Come this Monday, September 8th, C.G.N.A. will change the location of its meetings once more. The Hannah Senesh School will open its doors to the neighborhood monthly.

Below is an email with further information from Maria Pagano, President of C.G.N.A.

Hi Everyone! Just a reminder- the new cycle of CGNA General Meetings will begin next Monday, Sept. 8. We will continue to meet on the second Monday of each month (except as noted for holidays) at our new location: the Hannah Senesh Community Day School, 342 Smith St (entrance mid block between First and Second Places) at 7:30 PM. Looking forward to seeing you all!


Related Posts:

C.G.N.A. Rises From The Dead

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