Monday, September 22, 2008

Smith Street looking towards Atlantic

Corner of Carroll Street and Smith Street looking towards Atlantic

Smith Street towards First Place

Waiting to merge into Smith Street on First Place

Smith Street Towards 2nd Place

Honking their horns in frustration, drivers on Smith Street inch forward through our neighborhood every day. Gridlock always used to occur at rush hour. Not any longer. These days, our streets are clogged at any hour of the day.
Have you noticed it too?
Just look at the photos I took at the intersection of First Place and Smith Street here in Carroll Gardens. It must have been around 11 AM.
Chaos, I tell you, dear Reader, utter chaos.
Now I know that traffic all over the city is horrible, but you see, it never used to be this bad here.
And there are more drivers and cars coming as a result of the construction boom here. Oh, what fun.....

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