From Amy on Yelp:
I called the 76th when a car was double-parked right in front of my building and blocking my car in completely. it was like that for hours. i went outside and honked, i rang doorbells nearby, i looked for a note. and then i got pissed. i called the cops to see if they could either a. ticket this asshat or b. get them towed (all is fair in love, real estate and parking-esp. in this city, i think). the woman who answered my call was pure sarcastic, nasty evil from the moment our conversation began. she asked me repeatedly if the car was parked 'illegally' and i said as far as i knew, double-parking is illegal. she informed me that i was both 'ignorant' and 'wrong.' she basically told me there was nothing i could, that i was wasting her time by calling and that even if i called 311 nothing could be done to help me. she said she could send an officer to my apartment 'sometime that day' to take a report. har har. i called 311 and the woman who i spoke with was lovely and helpful. i said, 'lemme ask you something. . . it is illegal to double-park, right?' and she said, 'oh, absolutely! i have it right here in my main menu of complaints like this: illegally double-parked vehicle blocking driveway or other vehicle.' i was so happy that i wasn't taking crazy pills. but maybe that woman at the 76th was. i've also noted some of their finest running red lights in my neighborhood like mad, bullying bikers in the bike lane and generally not doing much to boost local morale. bah.
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