Since I just wrote a piece on an art show which took place on the Public Place site back in 1982, I was particularly interested in the notice from Community Board 6. There will be a meeting concerning the clean up effort along the Gowanus Canal. The Army Corp Of Engineers as well as D.E.P. will be there. Should be fascinating! Lets all try to attend .
From: officemanager@brooklyncb6.org <officemanager@brooklyncb6.org>
Date: Oct 18, 2007 11:09 AM
Subject: Brooklyn Community Board 6 ( www.brooklyncb6.org) Meeting Notification >
To: officemanager@brooklyncb6.org
TO:MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY/ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITTEE, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SUBJECT: PUB SAFETY/ENV. PROTECTION DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2007 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: P.S 32 AUDITORIUM 317 HOYT STREET (UNION/PRESIDENT STREET) A G E N D A - Presentation by representatives for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the New York City Department of Environmetal Protection on the Gowanas Canal Ecological Restoration Study, an ongoing collaborative partnership between the Federal and City governments to investigate and propose improvements to the water quality and habitat at the Gowanus Canal. DEVIN P. COHEN, PUB. SAFETY/ENV. PROTECTION
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