No, that group does not exist yet, but it should!
Yesterday's email from Bill De Blasio informing us that he is running for Brooklyn Borough President sent shivers down my spine. I knew the announcement was coming, but until now, I had hoped that it would just all go away. No such luck.No, that group does not exist yet, but it should!
I don't want to speak for all Brooklynites. But, here in Carroll Gardens, Bill De Blasio has been mostly absent in his almost 7 years in office. Yes, he shows up occasionally to make an appearance, but he has not ever truly followed through on any of the issues.
During his tenure as councilman, he dropped the ball on so many issues that most Carroll Gardeners just shake their head when they hear his name. In this community, we have come to expect the very least from him and his office.
So pardon me for asking, why are we supposed to vote for him for Borough President?
I hope everyone will remember his lack-luster performance representing our little Council district before making him responsible for all of Brooklyn.
The quote below is taken right from his new and improved Bill De Blasio "campaign" site
To protect our neighborhoods Bill de Blasio believes we need to crack down on out-of-control and irresponsible builders and put the breaks on development that hurts our communities. In the City Council Bill fought hard to encourage the Department of City Planning to down zone Carroll Gardens and has stopped irresponsible architects like Robert Scarano from continuing to violate the city's building code with impunity.
Really Bill? How come our neighborhood is still not down-zoned, how come C.O.R.D. still can't get you on the phone and how come Scarano is still the architect at 360 Smith.
Here is another reaction to DeBlasio's announcement by fellow blogger Lisanne at FOUND IN BROOKLYN. Its worth reading.
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